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P. 109

The Legacy
                                              The Turks                                                                          by Mo Gallagher
                                              AJ Hateley
                                                                                                   Everything was in shadow, as if all happiness had been drained from the
                                                                                                   world. Around him, the deafening roar of the helicopters had subsided, as
                                                                                                   had the stampede of boots on the barren rock, and the thunderous gunfire
                                                                                                   of a hundred automatic rifles. Nevertheless, the sounds continued to echo
                                                                                                   in  his  ears.  Or  his  mind;  he  could  not  tell  which.  His  body  was  still,
                                                                                                   restricted by the agonising wounds it had endured, now nothing more than
                                                                                                   a numbed shell. He was trapped in a prison of flesh and bone; alive, but
                                                                                                     Zack opened his eyes slowly, for even that simple act sent ripples of
                                                                                                   pain cascading over his forehead. He felt the gentle rain on his skin for the
                                                                                                   first time, trickling down his cheeks like anxious tears. The sky above the
                                                                                                   Wastelands had grown overcast, the storm clouds gliding solemnly across
                                                                                                   the  lofty  heavens,  observing  him,  taunting  him.  Far  below  the  cliffside,
                                                                                                   lakes  of  glassy  silver  were  forming  in  the  craters  of  the  ordinarily-arid
                                                                                                   plains,  and  the  landscape  was  shrouded  in  a  murky  haze,  somewhat
                                                                                                   veiling the looming silhouette of Midgar.
                                                                                                     He sipped at the air, each breath excruciating as it fought to enter the
                                                                                                   collapsed lung on his left side. As his surroundings took shape, a gash on
                                                                                                   his  temple  began  to  sting,  the  oozing  blood  blurring  his  vision.  His
                                                                                                   garments were heavy and sodden, clinging to his legs and torso, but he
                                                                                                   could not bear to look down, hanging on to a distant hope that they were

                                                                                                   soaked in water and not stained in red.
                                                                                                     For  what  seemed  like  an  eternity  –  though  it  may  have  been  only  a
                                                                                                   fleeting moment – he watched the tranquil droplets tumble to the Planet,
                                                                                                   listening as they struck the ground and puddles developing around him.
                                                                                                     Everything hurts…but, that means there’s still sensation…
                                                                                                     With tremendous effort, Zack curled his fingertips, immediately touching
                                                                                                   the  leather  handle  of  the  Buster  Sword.  Knowing  that  the  magnificent
                                                                                                   blade was still nearby comforted him, but he no longer bore the strength
                                                                                                   to wield it. He gripped the hilt lightly nonetheless, as it was a connection to
                                                                                                   the real world, one from which he was beginning to understand he would
                                                                                                   soon pass.
                                                                                                     The prospect of death did not frighten him, but he was saddened by the
                                                                                                   idea of leaving behind his friends and family. He thought of his parents in
                                                                                                   Gongaga,  and  how  they  might  forever wonder what  became  of him;  he
                                                                                                   thought of Aerith, tending her flowers at the church in Sector5, feeling an
                                                                                                   ache in his heart worse than any bullet in his chest; and, finally, without
                                                                                                   even a remote suggestion of bitterness or regret, he thought of Cloud, the
                                                                                                   companion for whom he had sacrificed everything.
                                                                                                     Cloud…where is he…?
                                                                                                     The  Shinra  commander  had  presumed  the  blond  fugitive  dead,
                                                                                                   displaying a degree of humanity the Army had not reserved for Zack. The
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