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P. 112

The Photograph
                                                                                     by LicoriceAllsorts

                                                                      his  feet.  “Break’s  over.  I  guess  I  could  find    as  his  grandmother,  and  stronger  than  his
                                                                      some  work  to  do.  Catch  you  later,  Boss.”  He      mother. He chose to walk alone.
                                                                      remembered to shut the door on his way out.
                                                                                                                                   Nevertheless  he  permitted  his  mother  to
                                                                          Tseng began to tidy his desk, carefully re-          accompany him as far as the front gate, where

                                                                      aligning the picture to its customary angle. He          his  grandmother  was  waiting  for  them,
                                                                      had told Reno the truth.  The figure in the hat          clutching a fistful of weeds she had just pulled
                                                                      was not his grandfather, who had died before             from  the  garden.  “Good  luck,”  she  said,
                                                                      he  was  born.  It  was  his  grandmother.  She’d        pressing  her  thumb  to  the  blessing-mark
                                                                      been forty-one years old when the picture was            tattooed on his forehead. Then she put her arm
                                                                      taken. Tseng had been ten. He’d written a big            around her daughter’s waist and held her tight.
                                                                      exam only the day before.  All the ten year old          “Let him go on his own,” she said.
                                                                      boys  in  the  village,  and  all  the  ten  year  old       Until  he  came  to  live  in  Midgar,  it  had
                                                                      boys  in  all  the  villages  in  Wutai,  had  sat  the
                                                                                                                               never occurred to Tseng to think of their family
                                                                      same exam on the same day. If a boy did well
                                                                      in the exam, he could expect to be summoned              as poor. His grandmother was a hard worker,
                                                                      by the Emperor to the palace in the city. Many           always  thinking  up  new  schemes  for  making
                                                                      stories  were  told  about  what  might  happen          money.  His  mother  kept  the  house  clean  and
                                                                      then.    Some     involved     dragons;     some,        wove rugs that she sold to the landlord’s agent.

                                                                      princesses. All promised adventure.                      Poverty  was  a  relative  concept;  by  village
                                                                                                                               standards,  he  had  no  cause  for  complaint.
            “I’ve  been  meaning  to  ask,”  said  Reno.  “That           On  the  morning  of  the  examination  his          There was always food in the house, he slept
            guy  with  the  hat.  He  your  granddad,  by  any        mother had wakened him, dressed him, fussed              on a quilt instead of a plain straw mat, and only
            chance?”                                                  over  his  sash,  combed  his  hair,  prepared  a        went  barefoot  because  the  shoes  his  mother
                                                                      bowl of rice and smoked eel for his breakfast.           had bought him pinched his toes.  If he needed
                 It  was  a  slow  day  in  the  Department  of       He was too excited to eat.  Watching him pick            new brushes for school, or ink, or paper, all he
            Administrative Research. Reno, who’d stopped              at his food, the sadness in her eyes deepened.           had to do was ask.
            by to shoot the breeze, had put his feet up on            “Little prince, are you in such a hurry to leave
            the  corner  of  Tseng’s  desk,  and  was  pointing       me?  The  Emperor  has  a  hundred  sons.  This              But  there  was  a  wider  world  out  there,
            at  the  small  tinted  photograph,  six  inches  by      poor mother has only one. Soul of my heart, if           beyond  the  rice  paddies  in  the  valley  bottom
            six, that Tseng kept in a camphorwood frame.                                                                       and  the  cloud  forests  of  the  encircling
                                                                      you  wrote  the  wrong  answers  on  purpose,            mountains.  Intimations  of  that  world  were  all
                 “No,” said Tseng.                                    nobody but Leviathan would know.”
                                                                                                                               around  him  –  above  all,  in  the  village  store.
                 “I kind of like it.”  Reno picked up the frame           This was nonsense, of course. They would             When  he  wasn’t  at  school,  or  helping  his
            to take a closer look. “With that fog steaming            all know. Everyone knew he was the cleverest             mother  and  grandmother  in  the  field,  Tseng
            round  the  trees,  and  the  sun  trying  to  break      boy  in  the  village.  Tseng  was  afraid  that  she    liked to spend time leaning against the store’s
            through.  There’s  sort  of  a  mystical  vibe  to  it.    might start crying, or, worse, insist on walking        dusty  counter,  his  thoughts  wandering  among
            Reminds you of home, huh?”                                with  him  to  the  village  hall  where  the            the colourful marvels that stocked its shelves.
                                                                      examination  was  being  held.  She  might  even         How  many  unnecessary  yet  desirable  things
                 “I wouldn't say that. I simply enjoy looking
            at it.”                                                   try to hold his hand.  If he had had a father, the       there were in this world! He wondered who had
                                                                      two of them could have walked together, as the           made them, and from how far away they  had
                 “What’s  that  thing  he’s  holding?  Wutaian        other boys did with their fathers. But his father        come.  Ball-point  pens  -  he  wanted  one  so
            pixie trap?”                                              had  died  so  long  ago  that  Tseng  barely            badly.  Bottles  of  soda  pop,  flavoured  like  no

                 Tseng  leaned  forward  and  held  out  his          remembered  him  any  more.  He  was  a  boy             fruit  he’d  ever  tasted.  Specially  softened  and
            hand.  Reno made a face, but gave the picture             being raised by women. He was already as tall            whitened rolls of paper for wiping the backside
            back. “Yeah, don’t say it,” he sighed, rising to                                                                   after shitting.  Now, who had thought of that?
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