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P. 114

addressing  a  goblin,  Tseng  decided  to  play  it      suit  was  understandably  daunting  -  and  said,       newborn babies and weddings and dead folks
            safe,  and  bowed  deeply,  saying  nothing.    He        “Excuse  me,  but  don’t  I  know  you?  You  look       laid  out  in  their  coffins.    While  she  was  still
            couldn’t tear his eyes from those noodle-white            familiar.”                                               learning  how  to  use  her  new  camera  she’d
            hands and that little machine. He’d never seen                The  goblin’s  hair  was  thinner,  and  his         sent  him  a  picture  she‘d  taken  of  herself  and
            one before, but he could guess what it was.                                                                        his mother, slightly out of focus, stiff hair, stiff
                                                                      waistline had expanded, but his eyes were still
                 The    stranger     noticed    his   interest.       blindly blue.                                            postures, stiff smiles. He kept it in a drawer in
            “Camera,”  he  said,  and  then  made  a  gesture             “I knew you were going places as soon as I           his apartment.
            that was the universal language for come here,            saw  your  exam  results,”  he  said.  “That  was            With subsequent paychecks he had bought
            take a look.                                                                                                       his  mother  a  bigger  house  -  more  fields  -
                                                                      some score  you  racked up.  Did you know it’s
                 Curiosity  triumphed  over  wariness.  Tseng         never been beaten?”                                      strong  arms  to  work  in  the  fields,  and  help
            came  closer,  and  the  stranger  showed  him                He did not ask to sit down. Tseng did not            around  the  house.  Twice  he’d  been  back  to
            where to put his eye to the glass window, and             suggest  it.  They  chatted,  awkwardly,  for  a         see  her.  She  looked  smaller  each  time.  On
            how pressing a button would make a little door            couple  of  minutes.  It  had  been  easier  when        both occasions she had berated him: “Where is
            flick open and shut so fast that if you blinked           they did not speak the same language. Finally            my     daughter-in-law?      Where      are    my
            you  missed  it. Which  was  all  very  interesting,      the stranger said, “Well, must get back to work.         grandsons?”  The  visits  had  ended  in  tears.
            but what Tseng really wanted to know was how              Oh, by the way, I still have a print of that photo       After his grandmother  died,  he didn’t go back
            did  it  actually  work,  inside?    He  could  only      you  took.  If  I  can  find  it,  I’ll  put  it  in  your   any more.
            imagine it like an eye holding a memory.  But             pigeonhole.”
            how did it hold them? Where did it store them?
            And how did you get the memories out of this                  The man was as good as his word. And so
            machine and onto paper?                                   Tseng  set  the  photo  in  the  camphorwood
                                                                      frame,  which  had  been  made  in  Wutai  but
                 Just  then  his  grandmother  appeared               which    he’d    bought    at   the    Marroniers
            around  the  corner.  The  stranger  said                 department store in Sector Eight, and placed it
            something  which  Tseng  interpreted  as  go  on,         on his desk, where he could look at it when he
            try it. So he did. The camera beeped and the              was in the mood to remember.
            shutter whirred.
                                                                          The night before he’d left home, he and his
                 “Foreign devil!” she cried, waving her fist at       grandmother  had  stayed  up  packing.    His
                                                                      mother,  exhausted  from  weeping,  had  fallen
                 The stranger looked alarmed. He probably             asleep in the next room. Making sure that she
            thought  she  was  angry.  But  Tseng  could  see         could  not  hear  him,  Tseng  asked  his
            she  was  laughing.  She  walked  up,  took  the          grandmother,  “Why  doesn’t  she  marry  again?
            camera, turned it over and over in her hands,             She’s  still  young.  She  could  have  more
            examining it. “I could make a fortune with one            children.”
            of these,” she grinned, showing all her missing               “That one is unlucky. All her men either die
            teeth.  “When  you  are  a  rich  foreign  devil,  my     or they leave her. No man wants that curse on
            boy, I want you to buy me one.”
                                                                      his  head.    If  you’d  stayed  here,  you’d  have
                                                                      ended  up  unlucky  too.  It's  better  to  take  your
                                                                      fate into your own hands. I think you’ve made
            Seven  years  later,  and  three  weeks  after  he        the smart choice.”
            had  begun  to  work  for  Shinra,  Tseng  was                Out  of  his  first  paycheck  he  bought  his
            sitting  eating  lunch  in  the  company  cafeteria       grandmother the camera she’d asked for, and
            when  a  middle  aged  man  wearing  a  Human             over  the  years  that  followed  she  made,  if  not
            Resources  Department  tie  approached  him  -            quite  the  fortune  she’d  predicted,  at  least  a
            rather tentatively,  as people  were  wont to do;         decent  income,  recording  memories  of
            the  combination  of Wuteng  features  and  Turk
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