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         -   Yeah, I can see that.
         -   Yes, well what can I tell you. Do you have kids?
         -   Actually, yes, two of them, good ones.
         -   Great, great! Why don’t you have a seat. Peter mentioned (упомянул) to
             me that you're an avid (заядлый) CNBC watcher but he didn't say whether
             you had any actual Wall Street experience.
         -   I was a sales associate (сотрудник отдела продаж) at EF Hutton.
         -   The broker? Really? And now you're in the tire business.
         -   That's  right  and  auto  supply  (поставка).  In  the  retail  (в  розничной
             торговле), as I understand. Uh we get about 60% of our business from
             automotive service.
         -   And do you mind me asking what kind of sales you did last year just, uh,
             ballpark (в среднем)?
         -   We did 1.7 million in total revenue (валовый доход).
         -   1.7 that's great and, uh, what do you project for this year?
         -   I think we're gonna have a banner year (рекордный год). Sales are up
             almost 20% in the first quarter. And we just landed (подписали контракт
             с) a major trucking company account.
         -   Well that didn't look great, that's terrific. So that puts your watch just a tad
             over (немного выше) two million.
         -   That's right and that would make us number one in our market. Excuse me,
             I'm gonna get a glass of water.
         Answer the questions:
           1.  What is this video about?
           2.  How would you describe the interviewee’s behavior?
           3.  Do you like the way he speaks about his sales?
           4.  Would you be intimidated by such powerful people? What would you
         Exercise 352. Fill in the correct translation.
            to be back to square one
            to demand
            on the labour market
            to be a good fit for the position
            to be the best fit for the job
            to succeed in the job
            to be eager (to)
            to take on a project
            to keep projects within the planned timeline
            to be a stickler for due dates

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