Page 119 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 119


                Exercise 359. Watch the video 3.5. and answer the questions. Read and
                retell the script of the video
                -   So,    I    run     the    art    department    (возглавляю
                    креативный/художественный   отдел)   and   sort   of   oversee
                    (просматриваю) all things visual in the magazine. And I work closely
                    with  Alex  Shulman  planning  the  fashion  for  the  magazine.  So,  I  am
                    involved in that but I'm not a stylist, it's purely (чисто) photography and
                    graphic design. Because I've been on shoots (фотосессиях) where there
                    are…there's an art director (художественный директор) there. And I
                    don't know what they look, yeah, some part of people wonder (думают)
                    that. A lot of what they do is…is before the shoot.
                -   So, you kind of you put the teams together (собираете команду), you
                    decide who's going to photograph it; what the brief (брифинг) is for the
                    shoot with the creative direction (творческим направлением) is which
                    means like the aesthetic (эстетика) you know what's…what's it going to
                    look like.
                -   Yeah, and then on set (на съёмках) you just sort of (типа) make sure it
                    goes, you know, go smoothly (без задоринки), and how and like an ideal
                    shoot. I don't actually have that much to do, okay. So, this is the way the
                    magazine is all just like full spreads (полное заполнение информации),
                    double-page spreads of content (информация будет распределена на
                    двойные  листки  в  журнале),  and  we've  got  like  a  number  of  fashion
                    stories for February. This one on top is really exciting because this is why
                    Tyra and Lebon who's one of our sort of new generation (поколение) of
                    British photographers. It's really like changing the face of photography and
                    going back to the purist aesthetic (чистешей эстетике) and taking real
                    pictures  and  and  printing  film  (распечатывать  плёнку).  Freddie,  he
                    doesn't use digital (цифровую). He doesn't write. I shot with him for a
                    brand, for a campaign and we see there's nothing really stuck out of it (не
                    торчит), yeah, that must have been (должно быть было) stressful for the
                    client. What can we see, I was like, nothing. So they had to just go. I'd be
                    good at trust her, yeah, yeah, so, this is a…Harley we're shot ASAP Bravo.
                    She's another sort of really exciting new generation photographer. She's
                    probably about 25.
                -   No, I didn't know she was quite (довольно) so cool. And really, and I did
                    a shoot and I was quite hungover (было похмелье), and I had quite a
                    short attention span (не могла долго фоксировать внимание). She had
                    to be like a black painted banana. It was like an awesome. I just gotta go
                    and  then  Tennety,  one  my  favorite  shoots,  ever  these  were  all  the

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