P. 88


      4.  Очевидно,  мне  кажется,  эти  рассеянные  работники  кажутся
         неряшливыми,  потому  что  они  не  могут  написать  свои  резюме
         правильно (properly).
      5.  Более того, не парься! Ванесса этим занимается! Поэтому на следующей
         неделе мы сможем посетить (to attend) этот семинар, который начинается
         в 11.45. Кроме того, Филипп Котлер принимает участие там.
         Exercise 258. Read and discuss the article.
         How to make a boring presentation interesting
         1. Structure your presentation: The best presentations should tell a story.
         And you can’t tell an effective story if you don’t know for sure how it starts,
         builds, and ends.
         Of course, not every story will be an epic tale. Sometimes you just need to
         share sales or financial data, but you should still have a point to it all (иметь
         смысл во всём этом). What are you sharing? Why is it important? What can
         your audience do with that information once they have it?
         To properly (правильно) structure your prsentation, first you need to know its
         purpose.  There  are  four  common  presentation  puproses,  though  many
         presentations can be a combination of two.
         They are:
                to inform
                to persuade
                to inspire
                to entertain.
         For example, you may want your presentation to entertain (развлекать) and
         inspire (вдохновлять). Or, you may want it to persuade and inform. Choose
         your presentation type (or types) and stick to a structure that allows you to
         accomplish (достичь) your goal.
         What  ever  your  presentation’s  purpose,  it  should  have  a  beginning  that
         introduces your topic, a middle that expands your audience’s understanding of
         what you’re presenting, and an end that pulls together everything you presented
         and offers a call to action (призыв к действию).
         To help structure your presentation, I highly recommend you use an outline
         (краткое описание). You’ll be able to layout (расположить) exactly what you
         want to say in the order you want to say it. Plus, you’ll help ensure you don’t
         miss anything or go off on any weird tangents (другие темы).
         2. Break up complex information over multiple slides: Let’s face it. Most
         people put too much information on their PowerPoint slides. There’s a huge
         title, and then everything the presenter is going to say,  verbatim (слово в
         слово). In that situation, it’s almost like you don’t need a presenter at all.

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