P. 92


         2. THE  ORIGINAL  LAMBOS  WERE  TRACTORS:  Lamborghini,  the
         company made tractors originally. After the war, the company’s founder saw
         an  emerging  market  for  farming  equipment  and  vehicles.  This  is  when  the
         founder developed his first tractor made from parts of a former military vehicle.
         The tractor was known as the ‘Carioca’ tractor.
         Based on the success of this tractor, Ferruccio Lamborghini developed his first
         company – Lamborghini Trattori.
         3. LAMBOS ARE NAMED AFTER BULLS: Of several Lamborghini facts,
         its association with the bull is most interesting. Most car manufacturers find a
         name for their model following a recurring theme or unique set of features. In
         Lamborghini’s case, the bull was the recurring theme.
         Ferruccio Lamborghini was a Spanish bullfighting fan. He was an enthusiast
         who  enjoyed  watching  the  game  in  his  spare  time.  He  really  passionately
         enjoyed  bullfighting  events  and  was  a  big  fan  of  the  powerful  animal.  He
         equated this power to the power of his vehicles. Therefore, Lamborghini’s logo
         is a raging bull – full of passion, power and prowess.
         Moreover, the first model to use the bull theme was the Lamborghini Miura.
         Miura is the name of a bull. Later on, several models of the Italian automotive
         manufacturer  were  named  after  a  famous  bullfighting  bull.  Lamborghini
         Aventador is also named after a bull known for its outstanding courage.
         Exercise 270. Translate the sentences.
      1.  Очевидно,  эти  самоотверженные  работники  не  собираются  принимать
      2.  Более того, эти новички сужают количество дел на этой неделе.
      3.  Когда возможность представится, этому целеустремлённому бухгалтеру
         нужно записаться на курсы и не откладывать это.
      4.  Перестань говорить о работе дома! Дай я дам тебе совет! На самом деле,
         тебе нужно наверстать дела.
      5.  Первое, что приходит в голову, эти самоотверженные IT- специалисты не
         собираются мириться с тем, что у них низкооплачиваемая работа.
         Exercise 275. Watch the video 2.24  and discuss it.
         - She hates me, Nigel.
         -  And  that's  my  problem  because…Oh,  wait.  No,  it's  not  my  problem.
         -  I  don't  know  what  else  I  can  do  because  if  I  do  something  right,  it's
         unacknowledged (непризнанно). She doesn't even say thank you. But if I do
         something wrong, she is vicious.
         - So quit.
         - Quit.

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