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         be willing (захотят) to pay you more, or you price yourself out because you
         went too high (слишком загнул цену). The one thing the recruiter can do in
         the beginning of the process is knock you out (выбить вас), but the recruiter
         won’t knock you out if they really like your background (данные о вас) and
         you don’t provide a number.
         You  might  be  thinking,  well,  maybe  I  can  give  them  a  range  (дать  им
         диапазон). Well, that might be nice, but if I’m the hiring official, and you give
         me a range and you say, Andy, I’d like to earn between 80.000 and 100.000
         what  do  you  think  I  heard?  I  heard  80.000.  What  were  you  thinking?  A
         hundred  thousand.  So,  you’re  still  giving  them  a  low  number,  probably
         (наверное) lower (ниже) than they would be willing (были бы готовы) to
         pay,  so  ranges  aren’t  really  great  either  (также);  because  those  are  still
         uneducated (неграмотно). And they are likely to anchor (застрять) on your
         low number, when you mentally are thinking about your high number. So,
         ranges don’t work much either.
         Answer the questions:
         1.  What does the speaker not recommend you to do?
         2.  Why is giving a number uneducated?
         3.  Who hires employees?
         4.  What doesn’t the author want you to worry about?
         5.  What happens if you aim too low in terms of a salary number?
         6.  What can a recruiter do in the beginning?
         7.  Why doesn’t giving a range work?
         8.  Is giving a range educated?
         9.  What can anchor you?
         Exercise 298. Read and discuss the article.
         What are the pros and cons (за и против) of shift work? Pros (за):
         1. Flexibility (гибкость): With a shift schedule (график), it’s much easier to
         trade  (меняться)  shifts  with  colleagues  and  make  up  time  (наверстать
         время) later, in case you have personal or other responsibilities (обязанности)
         to handle (с которыми нужно разобраться). That means you might not have
         to  use  your PTO (personal  time  off)  every  time  you  have  a  doctor’s
         2. Convenience (удобство). Because there are several different shift options
         (варианты) available (доступны), you can request (запросить) the one that
         best fits into your schedule. For example, if you’re a night owl (сова), you can
         opt  for  (выбрать)  a  night  shift,  leaving  your  day  free,  and  vice  versa
         (наоборот).  Moreover,  workers  who commute (едут  на/добираются  до
         работы) can avoid (избегать) rush hour (час пик) if their shifts fall outside
         (выпадают из) of normal business hours.

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