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                "Once he even stormed out (выбежал) of a 5-star hotel because in his opinion
                it was “a piece of shit”.
                Did you know that Steve Jobs used to eat so many carrots that, at one point, his
                skin turned slightly orange?
                Exercise 316. Watch the video 2.31 and discuss it.
                And of all of the signs of a toxic manager I find this is the one that has had the
                highest impact (влияние) on my clients. And the people that I've worked with
                the  fourth  sign  of  a  toxic  manager  is  they  refuse  (отказываются)  to
                acknowledge  (признавать)  your  accomplishments  (достижения).  Now,  I
                touched  on  (немного  упомянула)  this  a  little  bit  when  we  talked  about
                criticism,  but  a  toxic  boss  or  toxic  manager  is  not  going  to  be  able  to
                acknowledge anything that you have done well, this not only is going to be
                something that can have a very high impact (влияние) on your confidence
                (уверенность).  But  this  is  also  going  to  have  a  direct  impact  in  your
                compensation  and  your  opportunity  to  advance  (возможность
                прогресса/роста) in your work. Because if they refuse to acknowledge the
                great things that you're doing, that is going to show up (будет видно) on things
                like your performance review (отчёт о работе), and if you're applying for a
                job internally (в своей компании). This is even something that could actually
                impact you. Plus, let's just be really honest here. Most people, at least (хотя
                бы) occasionally (иногда) need a little bit of external validation (внешней
                экспертизы) to let them know that they're doing good things. After all, if we
                don't know the things that we're doing at work that are going really, really well
                that  are  making  an  actual  mark  for  our  company  (оставить  след  в
                компании), and for our team, it's going to inhibit (препятствовать) our ability
                to actually focus there and do more of those things to amplify (увеличивают)
                our awesomeness (крутость) to make a bigger impact overall (в целом). So
                really,  this  toxic  manager  behavior  is  hurting  everyone  (мешает  всем),
                including your toxic boss themselves. And as if they wouldn't be bad enough,
                if  they  just  did  those  things.  They're  not  going  to  leave  it  there  (не
                остановятся там). No, no, your toxic manager is going to just don't waste the
                knife while they're at it (не упустят возможность, пока она у них есть).
                Answer the questions:
                1.  What is this video about?
                2.  Do you need external motivation so to progress?
                3.  Have you ever had to deal with tasks that were unnecessarily prolonged?

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