Page 106 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 106


         Are you more quick to anger or have less patience with those you work with
         than usual?
         Are  you  calling  in  sick  (берёте  больничный)  or  looking  for  excuses
         (отговорки) to get out of work on a regular basis?
         Do you find yourself ditching parties (не приходить на вечеринки) or events
         you were once looking forward to?
         Are  you  feeling  a  sense  of  ineffectiveness  and  a  lack  of  accomplishment
         (недостаток достижений)?
         3. A lack of accomplishment and feeling ineffective (неэффективным)
         at  work:  Once  your  burnout  reaches  a  certain  level  (достигнуть
         конкретный уровень), it’s sure to affect (повлиять) your work and how
         you  perceive  (воспринимаете)  your  own  value  (ценность).  You  might
         start to feel apathy, ineffective, and continually ask yourself ‘What’s the
         When you catch yourself giving up before you even start a task or project,
         ask a few questions:
            Do you feel like nothing you do at work matters?
            Is it harder to connect your daily tasks to a meaningful goal (цель) or a
             larger vision?
            Does it feel like there’s more work than you can realistically do every
            Are you overwhelmed with responsibilities to the point where you don’t
             want to do anything?
         One of the biggest workplace motivators is seeing progress on meaningful
         However, when you’re burnt out it often feels like it doesn’t matter what
         you do, nothing makes a difference. This can cause frustration and anger
         over your lack of productivity, but also a sense of hopelessness that’s hard
         to come back from.
         Exercise 334. Read and discuss the facts.
         Listed Below is the Compilation of some of the Latest and Most Interesting
         Facts about Instagram:
         -   Instagram  was founded on October 6, 2010.  Now Instagram turned 10
             years in 2020.
         -   Initially called Codename, the name was changed to Instagram before its
         -   Till date, over 50 billion photos have been shared on Instagram.
         -   The name Instagram has come from the pounding of the words ‘instant
             camera’ and ‘telegram.’

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