Page 102 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 102
Exercise 319. Read and discuss the story.
NIKOLA TESLA: “I don't care that they stole (украли) my idea. I care that
they don’t have any of their own.”
Nikola Tesla was an inventor (изобретатель), physicist (физик), electrical
engineer and futurist (футурист) who died at the age of 86 in 1943.
He is best known for inventing (изобретение) Alternating Current
Electrical Supply (электропитание переменным током) (AC), the
electricity flow system (система подачи электроэнергии) that every
electrically powered object uses to this day. So whenever you use a lamp or
watch TV, you have Nikola Tesla to thank.
Tesla was known for his odd (странное) behavior and phobias. For example,
he felt that he received (получал) electromagnet signals from aliens
(инопланетян) and his biggest phobia was germs (микробы). He was
determined to create a germ-free society with free electricity.
Did you know that Tesla was so fond of pigeons (голубей) that he fed
(кормил) them and spoke to them outside his bedroom window? When he got
too old to feed the birds himself, he hired someone to do it for him.
Exercise 320. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
1. (To give) me a break! It (to seem) to me you (to have) too many perks here!
2. By the way, these persuasive managers seldom (to have) a lot of problems in
3. On the other hand, their industrious accountants (to appear) to be rather
meticulous; however, these days they (to be) so absent-minded.
4. For instance, her determined boss always (to make) us do extra work!!!
5. Obviously, those frustrated rookies (not to work) in shifts, as they (to look) for
a 9 to 5 job this month.
Exercise 321. Watch the video 2.32 and answer the questions.
1. Christine, a deadline was moved up (передвинута) by a client to Monday
morning, can you work over the weekend? Thanks!
Ok, well it sounds like there’s a lot of work that needs to be done between
now and the Monday meeting. It seems a little unreasonable
(необоснованно), and I want to do the best job to do this presentation. If it’s
fixed (согласовано) and we have to do it at 9.00 a.m. on Monday, I totally
understand. Maybe I can stay late or honestly I might …
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