P. 95


             5.  Главным образом, если менеджер заказывает доставку в офис (orders a
                takeaway delivery), то он всегда нюхает и пробует морепродукты перед
                тем, как кушать.
                Exercise 292. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
             1.  Notably, Laura (can) (to call) the shots in the future, as she (to appear) to be
                not so persuasive in interviews.
             2.  (To look)! Linda (to talk) on the phone with Harold, so she (to give) him the
                heads up on our current situation for sure. Therefore, we (can) (to get) some
                help from him in the nearest future.
             3.  Actually, these rookies (to have) a meeting with our accountant, as now she (to
                go) to the conference room.
             4.  Obviously, Donald (to take) no for an answer, as he always (to call) the shots
                in here and (to look) very persuasive all the time.
             5.  (To have) said that let them (to send) these CVs to our inexperienced manager
                so she (can/could) (to have) a chat with them.
                Exercise 296. Watch the video 2.27 and answer the questions.
                Number  one,  first  thing  is,  under  no  circumstances  (ни  при  каких
                обстоятельствах) do I ever want you to actually give them a number. Why?
                Well, number one, first thing about this is it’s uneducated (неграмотно). You
                do not know what it’s like (как это) to work there, what you’ll get to do, who
                you  get  to  do  it  with,  the  training  and  development  opportunities
                (возможности),  the  vacation,  the  benefits,  the  benefit  costs  (расходы  на
                выплату пособий), all of those things. So, it’s very difficult for you to hit the
                nail on the head (попасть в яблочко) by giving them a number, especially
                (особенно) this early in the process.
                The  second  thing  is  I  don’t  want  you  to  worry.  There  is  not  a  recruiter
                (рекрутер) in the world who determines (определяет) whether you get hired
                or  where  you  get  paid,  or  what  you  get  paid.  The  hiring  officials  (люди,
                которые имеют право нанимать на работу) do that, I mean, unless (если
                только)  the  recruiter  is  the  hiring  official  or  the  HR  person  is  the  hiring
                official (люди, которые имеют право нанимать на работу). So, I don’t want
                you to worry about that, because they’re not ultimately (в конце концов)
                going to determine (определить) what you’re going to get paid, even if they
                give you a guideline (руководство) as to what the position pays. I don’t want
                you to worry about that upfront (наперёд/заранее).
                The other thing is, I don’t want you to actually give a number, because you
                might either aim (нацелиться) too low (на слишком низкую цену), in which
                case you’re setting their expectations (даёшь им установку/заставляешь их
                думать) that your expectations are low, even though (даже если) they might

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