P. 91


                4.  Why do you think Andrea did not back out and tried to get Miranda’s
                Exercise 265. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
             1.  For the record, Jason’s diligent spouse (to put) (намерение) up with the fact
                that her demanding boss (to be) not eager (to run) his personal errands after
                working hours.
             2.  Moreover, more and more savvy accountants (to search) for the news on the
                Internet so (to be) always prepared for the changes in the taxation policy in the
             3.  (to give) me a break! There (to be) no need (to worry), as Steven (to be) on it
                and he (not to call) the shots all the time!
             4.  Frankly speaking, this week our rude colleagues (to run) errands during their
                lunch break.
             5.  (to have)  (to say) that (to let)  me (to tell)  you that Jacob (not to research)
                common interview questions in two days, as he (to be) extremely tired now.
                Exercise 266. Watch the video 2.22 and answer the questions.
                Answer the questions:
             1.  What is tip number three about?
             2.  What does an author advise to do before the interview?
             3.  Why is it important to try a product or service prior the interview?
             4.  What did the CEO of a small yoghurt company tell the author?
             5.  Do you try a product or service before the interview?
                Number three – do not say you haven’t tried the product or the service. If they
                have an accessible product (доступный продукт), try it before the interview.
                Gosh, get the free trial (можно бесплатно попробовать/попользоваться) or
                something. If that isn’t feasible (возможно/осуществимо), then read reviews
                (отзывы)  online,  ask  someone  who  has  been  a  client  of  theirs,  or  just  do
                something  to  understand  it.  I  was  talking  to  a  CEO  of  a  small  yoghurt
                company, and she says that if anyone who hasn’t tried the yoghurt before the
                interview   is   immediately   disqualified   (немедленно   будут
                дисквалифицированы).  I  get  it.  They’re  about  to  spend  thousands  and
                thousands of dollars hiring someone, putting their butt in the seat every day,
                and that person better give a craparoony (всё равно) about the product.
                Exercise 268. Discuss fun facts. Fascinating Facts about Lamborghini.
                1. LAMBORGHINI IS NAMED AFTER ITS FOUNDER: Lamborghini – a
                well-known car brand of the world was founded by Ferruccio Lamborghini in
                1963. The company is named after him. In his youth, Ferruccio Lamborghini
                had an interest in mechanics and farming machines. He served as a mechanic
                to the Italian Royal Air Force in 1940.

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