P. 87


                    don't really care about fashion. You just wanna be a journalist. What a pile
                    of bollocks (какое враньё)!
                -   Emily, I know you're mad. I don't blame (виню) you.
                -   Face it (признай), you sold (продала) your soul the day you put on that
                    first pair of Jimmy Choo's. I saw it. And you know what really just kills
                    me about this whole thing…is the clothes that you're gonna get. I mean,
                    you don't deserve them. You eat carbs (углеводы), for Christ's sake. God,
                    it's so unfair (нечестно)!
                -   Emily.
                -   Just go.
                -   Emily, I…
                -   I said go!
                Answer the questions:
                1.  What is this video about?
                2.  What should the new girl have done?
                3.  What would you do if you were “new Emily”?
                Exercise 252. Read and translate the sentences, explain the usage of the
             1.  The problem is that  more and more inexperienced rookies are not eager to
                consider relocation but they are eager to work in shifts.
             2.  For the record, Justin’s meticulous sister – in – law is running her daughter’s
                errands during working hours this month, as her daughter is getting married
                this month.
             3.  To  tell  the  truth,  Kimberley  is  not  going  to  provide  any  referrals  for  the
                position, as she is very frustrated with the rookies.
             4.  Anyway, his diligent goddaughter will be prepared and not irritated, I promise!
                Moreover, currently she is laid off and because of this she is going to send her
                CVs tomorrow.
             5.  I  doubt  that  these  determined  sales  managers  will  make  our  diligent
                accountants call the shots in the financial department.
                Exercise 253. Translate the sentences.
             1.  Хочу заметить, что в этом месяце у меня очень болит спина, потому что
                я всё время работаю в офисе и не переношу свои обязательства.
             2.  Проблема в том, что у Эрин часто болит голова из-за того, что ей нужно
                часто думать, чтобы сузить количество полученных заявок (the number
                of applications received).
             3.  В  любом  случае,  их  скучающий  родственник  всегда  восхищается
                опытными  бухгалтерами,  которые  всегда  могут  сузить  быстро
                количество  документов  (number  of  documents),  которые  нужно
                просмотреть, чтобы найти ошибку.

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