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                 работать допоздна/засиживаться допоздна
                 быть распределённым в команду с людьми разного  
                 происхождения и уровня опыта
                 назначать проекты                        
                Exercise 370. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
             1.  Notably, Arnold’s diligent mother – in – law (would/could/should) (to quit her)
                job if she was not happy with her day-to-day responsibilities.
             2.  Apparently,  Oscar’s  persistent  spouse  (would/could/should)  hire  a  lot  of
                rookies when she (used/to be used to/would/get used to) (to be) the chief of our
             3.  (to have) (to say) that (to let) me (to remind) you that these days Sarah’s reliable
                spouse (to get used) (to be) on the furlough, as he (to be) laid off since Monday
                and (to have) no other choice.
             4.  By  the  way,  Fletcher’s  inexperienced  godmother  (would/could/should)  (to
                search) for all the weaknesses in all potential employees so (to make) them
                agree (to work) on her terms.
             5.  I  (to  doubt)  that  Brooks’  impatient  nephew  (to  get  used  to)  (to  apply)
                immediately, as he (to be used to) (to be) rather lazy and absent-minded.
                Exercise 371. Read and discuss the article. This is what happens to your
                body when you hate your jobs.
                `You can’t sleep: “A lot of times the first thing we’ll hear about is sleepless
                nights,”  said Maryland-based  clinical  psychologist  Monique  Reynolds  of
                the Center for Anxiety (тревога) and Behavior Change. “People report either
                not being able to sleep because their mind is racing or not being able to stay
                asleep. They wake up in the middle of the night thinking about their to-do list.”
                A few restless nights is not a huge deal, but if it becomes a pattern, that may
                be a sign your job stress has become toxic. “If it’s consistently related to work,
                that is a sign that something is off-balance,” Reynolds said. You get headaches
                (головные боли): Your muscles tense up (мышцы напрягаются) to guard
                your body from injury (травм). When you see the workplace as a danger zone,
                it keeps your muscles wound tight (напряжены), according to the American
                Psychological  Association.  Chronic  tension  (напряжение)  in  the  neck,
                shoulders and head can be associated with migraines and tension headaches.
                “Stress creates physiological symptoms, and that manifests (выражается) as
                pain,” said Reynolds. Your muscles in general ache (болят): When your job is
                toxic, it can feel like you’re fighting off (бороться) a wild tiger at your desk.
                Under  a  perceived  threat  (воспринимаемой  угрозой),  your  brains  flood
                (наполняет) your system with adrenaline and other stress hormones.

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