Page 36 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 36


         That’s the distinction (различие) because it doesn’t matter what it is that you
         do. You may be thinking while here’s my product, here’s my service, I’m in
         the  digital  marketing  business,  I’m  in  the  e-commerce  business,  right,  I’m
         selling whatever product, I’m in the financial service…It doesn’t matter that’s
         your  product,  that’s  your  service,  that’s  not  your  business.  You  are  in  the
         business of marketing that product or service and unless (если только не) and
         until you know, how marketing works. How do you make an offer (сделать
         предложение)? How do you articulate (озвучиваете) your value (ценность)
         to the marketplace? How do you communicate what it is that you offer in such
         a way compels (побуждает/заставляет) people that want to buy from you, that
         positions you as a leader, as an authority (авторитет) in the market place?
         When you know how to do that then it doesn’t really matter that much what it
         is that you sell. Yes, you need to know the business. You always want to know
         the business but you will know what actually makes business go. You know
         what  moves  the  needle  (что  есть  решающий  фактор).  You  know  what
         actually creates revenue (доход), sales and marketing. When you know sales
         and  marketing,  you  have  an  unfair  (нечестный/недобросовестный)
         advantage  (преимущество)  in  the  market  place,  period.  Most  businesses
         struggle (имеют проблемы) because a lack of (недостатка) revenue. Why
         are they not making enough (достаточно) revenue? Why? Tell me! Because
         they don’t have customers. Why don’t they have customers? They don’t know
         how  to  market!  They  don’t  know  how  to  create  a  compelling  message
         (красноречивый призыв). They don’t know how to create an engaging story
         (захватывающую/вовлекающую  историю)  and  push  it  out  there
         (продвинуть её на) in the market place in a way that makes people react, that
         makes people respond (отвечать) good or bad. That makes people respond in
         such a way that they want to do business with you. You may have the best
         product in the world. You may provide the best service in the world. And it
         doesn’t matter. None of that matters (ничего из этого важно) if people don’t
         know you exist (существует). If they don’t know that you have something to
         offer. And if they don’t want to buy from you. How would they know? It’s like
         dating, right. You have the best personality (личность/характер). So what?!
         If no one wants to go on the first date with you they would not find out how
         good you are. They will not find out how nice you are. They just would not
         know. So, that’s what turned my business around. Now I have a lot of resources
         you go visit.
         Answer the questions:
         1.  What is this video about?
         2.  Why didn’t his business succeed?
         3.  Would you try 13 times until you succeeded?

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