Page 37 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 37
4. Do you think marketing is essential in running business?
5. How can people find out about the goods, products/service?
Exercise 66. Read the text and discuss.
Arianna Huffington: Don’t work too hard.
In a LinkedIn post last year, The Huffington Post president and editor-in-chief
(главный редактор) Arianna Huffington revealed (рассказала) that she’s
often asked if young people pursuing (преследовать) their dreams should
burn the candle at both ends (работать, не покладая рук)?
“This couldn’t be less true (совсем не похоже на правду),” she writes. “And
for far too long, we have been operating (работали/жили) under a collective
delusion (иллюзия) that burning out (выгорание на работе) is the necessary
price for achieving (достигнуть) success.” She says she wishes she could go
back and tell her younger self, “Arianna, your performance will actually
improve (улучшатся) if you can commit (возьмёте обязательства на себя)
to not only working hard but also unplugging (отключиться от интернета,
гаджетов), recharging (подзарядиться), and renewing yourself.”
Exercise 67. Fill in the missing words and translate the words in bold into
a catch be able to have dedicated
take it inexperienced The problem
persuasive steady source consider
the other hand meticulous determined
instance in a blue moon enough
1. For the record that is……. -22! Actually Peter will not…… a steady source
of income until he takes up public speaking courses.
2. Notably, Jonathan’s….. parents can’t ……..anymore, as their…… son has
been unemployed for about 8 months so far.
3. ………….is, more and more ……rookies are searching for a ………of
income, and all of them are eager to ……..relocating to other countries.
4. On………….., Kirsten’s …………..boss is not going to hire rookies, as they
are too sloppy, and he needs the most …………employees on his team.
5. For……………., Ronda’s bored godson calls his aunt back once………, as he
needs to earn…… to take up IT courses.
Exercise 68. Watch the video 1.6 and fill in the blanks.
How much do you get …..? Don’t answer that outloud. But put the …….. in
your head. Now: how much do you think the person sitting ……. you gets paid?
Again, don’t answer ……. At work, how much do you think the person sitting
in the …… or the desk next to you gets paid? Do you know? …… you know?
Notice, it is a little uncomfortable for me to even ask you …….. But admit it –
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