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P. 70
Exercise 132. Read and discuss an article.
Posted by Aaliyah Paterson | Apr 13, 2022 | Business News, News Stories
Lay’s is a brand of potato chips, as well as the name of the company that
founded the brand in the United States.
The brand has also sometimes been referred to as Frito-Lay because both Lay’s
and Fritos are brands sold by the Frito-Lay company, which has been a wholly-
owned subsidiary of PepsiCo since 1965.
The famous slogan appeared in a commercial called “Messier, Just One” from
Lays 59 years ago.
“Betcha can’t eat just one” was the 1963 advertising campaign slogan by
Young & Rubicam.
From then on, this slogan became well-known and people tended to think of
Lay’s when they saw or heard anything about “Bet you can’t eat just one”.
The slogan is very true – it’s almost impossible to eat a single potato chip after
opening a bag.
The advertising slogan referenced the addictive nature of potato chips and the
unlikelihood that anyone would be satisfied with just one.
The implication, of course, was that the taste of these chips would keep anyone
from putting them down.
They were so good that the consumer should just plan on indulgence.
This advertising slogan, while self-complementary for Lay’s, was also a
Exercise 133. Watch the video 1.15 and answer the questions.
Answer the questions:
1. What is the third reason employees are willing to quit their jobs?
2. How else should employees perceive their boss?
3. What is the key in connecting with your employees?
4. What will employees be able to sense if you connect with them?
Reason #3 – you don’t have a real connection (связь) with your employees.
The connection that you have with your employee is huge (огромный)
because it’s going to determine (определить) how long they’re going to stay
with you and whether (если) they truly want to work with you. If your good
employee simply views (видит в вас) you just as someone who gives them
their paycheck (зарплату) rather than someone who they feel empowered
(почувствовать прилив сил) by, who they want to help and support. There’s
a big difference there. You have to remember that you’re not just their boss.
You’re someone who they look up to (ровняются на) as a key player
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