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P. 66
The company still uses the jingle and slogan today. It is the longest-running ad
campaign in McDonald’s history.
Exercise 123. Watch the video 1.13 and answer the questions. Read the
text and fill in the blanks.
employees due to comes to two subsets not enough
enough challenging lack of autonomy ownership
employees high quality be able to micromanaging complimenting
to leave solution opinion approach test it
work being especially eventually variety experiences
predict ahead of feel engaged only organization
Reason #2 why your good ……are leaving you is …….a lack of challenging
work. Now when it …….challenging work there are actually……. to this. The
first – is that there’s ……..autonomy. Meaning the employee does not get
…….and freedom to do their work. Or two – the work isn’t …….because it’s
too routine. First let’s talk about …….challenging work in terms of lack
of……. Good employees like to feel a sense of ……..over their work. These
…….are good because they deliver …….work. And then want to be given the
freedom to …….do their work their way. If you’re finding yourself …….every
aspect, criticizing and not …..or encouraging then you will quickly find
yourself with an unhappy employee who’s going to want…….. So the …….to
this is whenever you can ask your employee for their……... Ask them for what
their ……..would be and give them the freedom to ………out. Now when it
comes to the…….. too routine good employees ……….if they’re highly
ambitious will ……..become bored. They need challenge, they need……….,
they need different……….. So as their manager you want to be able to
……..this and foresee this by planning out projects ……time letting your
employee know about them so that they can ……and work hard for not
…..themselves but for the……..
Answer the questions:
1. What doesn’t an employee have?
2. What turns a happy employee into an unhappy one?
3. What should a manager ask their employees?
4. What do ambitious employees need?
5. What should a good manager foresee?
Exercise 124. Translate the dialogues.
1. – Джастин, держи меня в курсе дела! Первое, что приходит в голову, я
поговорю с Браяном о твоей почасовой зарплате завтра. Хочу заметить,
мы встречаемся с ним в новом японском ресторане в 18.25. Мне кажется,
я смогу рекомендовать тебя!
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