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                Exercise 119. Watch the video 1.13 and answer the questions.
                Answer the questions:
             1.  What is the second reason why employees quit?
             2.  What does “lack of autonomy” mean?
             3.  Why do good workers become bored?
             4.  What does the notion “routine work” mean?
             5.  What should a good manager do?
                Reason  #2  why  your  good  employees  are  leaving  you  is  due  to  a  lack
                (нехватка) of challenging (вызовов) work. Now when it comes to (когда
                дело  доходит  до)  challenging  work  there  are  actually  two  subsets
                (подгруппы)  to  this.  The  first  –  is  that  there’s  not  enough  autonomy
                (недостаточно  автономии).  Meaning  the  employee  does  not  get  enough
                independence (незвисимости) and freedom to do their work. Or two – the
                work isn’t challenging (на работе нет сложных задач/вызовов) because it’s
                too routine. First let’s talk about lack of challenging work in terms of (если
                говорить  о)  lack  of  autonomy.  Good  employees  like  to  feel  a  sense  of
                ownership (чувство собственности) over their work. These employees are
                good because they deliver high quality work (делают работу качественно).
                And then want to be given (хотят, чтобы им дали) the freedom to be able to
                do  their  work  their  way.  If  you’re  finding  yourself  micromanaging  every
                aspect (контролировать мелочи в каждом аспекте), criticizing (критикуя)
                and not complimenting (не хваля) or encouraging (не воодушевляя) then
                you will quickly find yourself with an unhappy employee who’s going to want
                to  leave.  So  the  solution  (решение)  to  this  is  whenever  you  can  ask  your
                employee  for  their  opinion  (мнение).  Ask  them  for  what  their  approach
                (подход) would be and give them the freedom to test it out. Now  when it
                comes  to  the work  being  too  routine  (когда  дело  доходит  до  того,  что
                работа  становится  слишком  рутинной)  good  employees  especially
                (особенно) if they’re highly ambitious (очень амбициозны) will eventually
                (в  конце  концов)  become  bored.  They  need  challenge,  they  need  variety
                (разнообразие), they need different experiences (им нужен разный опыт).
                So as their manager you want to be able to predict (предсказать) this and
                foresee (предвидеть) this by planning out projects ahead of time letting your
                employee know about them so that they can feel engaged (чувствовать себя
                вовлечёнными)  and  work  hard  for  not  only  themselves  but  for  the

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