Page 16 - March 2022
P. 16

3. Respect                                              6. Honor
        Respect is the foundation of our                        Honor is a personal as well as social

        communication with one other. To be                     opinion of one’s character. On a personal
        respectful is to be mannerly, kind, and                 level, honor is a sense of integrity,

        courteous to others. But it must come                   decency, and honesty. As a barometer
        from a pure heart; a superficial act of                 of social standing, honor is bestowed
        respect is not truthful.                                on those who uphold their personal

                                                                ethos and abide by their society’s code
        *At the end of each day, think about your  of conduct. Shame and disgrace are the

        interchanges with others. Were you kind?   opposite of honor. Honor also conveys
        Were you considerate, attentive?                        a sense of nobility, or exalted moral

        4. Compassion
        To be compassionate is to be                            *Are your thoughts and actions noble?

        sympathetic, charitable, and                            Do you speak and act with decency? Is
        understanding, to be warm-hearted and                   there anything you have done or said
        loving towards others.                                  that you are ashamed of?

        *What is the tendency of your love? Do                  7. Duty and Loyalty

        you look to give love, or only to take love  Duty and loyalty often require
        from others?                                            selflessness, to put the concerns of others
                                                                before your own.

        5. Honesty and Sincerity
        An honest person is truthful with others                *Reflect on how egoistic you can be.

        as well as him or herself. An honest                    Do you do for others before thinking of
        person does not lie, cheat or make                      yourself?
        excuses, and always keeps his or her

        promises.                                               I would also like to stress the importance
                                                                of faith as the backbone of the true

        *Are you completely truthful with                       Bushido Spirit. Having faith in a higher
        yourself and others? Is your word                       power and a spiritual life that extends far
        your bond, or have you hidden behind                    beyond our worldly existence  aligns our

        untruths or conscious omissions of                      mind and heart with “Universal Truth.”
        the truth? If so, reflect on what you are               Such faith enables us to understand

        hiding and why.                                         and commit to what is right as seen

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