Page 25 - March 2022
P. 25

Spikes in Relationship Breakups (March 1-20)

        After being direct in motion on January                 Despite being in the exalted sign, Mars in
        28, Venus is still catching up to reach                 Capricorn from relationship standpoint is

        her average speed of a degree per day.                  in his adversary Saturn’s sign.  And with
        It will take the entire month of March                  Pluto, the energy of impulsive, aggressive,

        before that happens. In addition, since                 vicious, and capricious Mars can become
        about mid-February, Mars has been in                    explosively crazy. Being with Venus it’s
        a very close conjunction with Venus                     certainly deeply affects even a sound

        within a degree in the sidereal Sagittarius.            relationship depending on the Mars and
        Beginning March, they (Mars and Venus)                  Venus disposition in a natal chart. As a

        both simultaneously enter the sidereal                  result, it wouldn’t be surprising to see
        Capricorn and within a couple of days                   an unprecedented spike in relationship
        (March 2-5) they both simultaneously                    breakups during the first three weeks of

        conjunct explosive Pluto in Capricorn.                  March.

                     Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Mars-Pluto Conjunction (March 2-4)                     Uranus-Rahu ninefold trine (Ura-
        Typically, this conjunction offers very                nus-Ketu ninefold sextile)  (March 14-20)

        sudden and extremely undesirable re-                   Uranus-Rahu ninefold trine is going to
        sult with astonishing speed.  For those                be very favorable for those who have lu-

        who have such conjunction in their birth  nar nodes favorably placed in their natal
        charts, and if they have any one of these              charts with respect to Uranus.  If such
        planets being activated through their                  placing is connected to the first house,

        Gochar (transit) charts, then they need                second house, ninth house, tenth house,
        be extra careful. For them, perhaps these  or eleventh house then expect monetary

        few days might prove to be the worst of                as well as power gains, promotions, and
        the year. Avoid making any new com-                    improved prestige in professional and
        mitment and taking any new risk. Also,                 social fields.  The idea that you always

        experiences like a sudden incident of fire,  wanted to pursue but somehow could
        or an accident, or a financial misfortune              never get is the time to

        are the doings of this conjunction.                    follow that dream. You will distinctly no-
                                                               tice and feel the positive energy flowing
                                                               through you during this period.  It’s time

                                                               to jump in and enjoy this period.

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