Page 24 - March 2022
P. 24
Astrological Insights for March 2022
Overview Mars-Pluto close conjunction during
the first week of March and Mars-
Eventful, deadly, and Saturn close conjunction during the
turbulent month of March last week of March are likely to be
extremely explosive and devastating for
the world and especially for Ukraine
Russian invasion of Ukraine, deadly and Russia. Some of the manifestations
war and senseless killing of these conjunctions will be reflected
in Russian invasion of Ukraine,
The conjunction of Mars, Pluto, and unsettling climate due to political
Saturn (all three malefic planets) in turmoil in USA, Europe, and other
Capricorn is happening first time since areas of world. The human casualties
Pluto was discovered around 1932. and sufferings in Ukraine and other
While Mars-Saturn-Pluto conjunction places can become huge beyond our
in Capricorn lasts till the April 7, imagination and uncontrollable.
Political turmoil in the United States (March 20-25)
In addition to Mars-Saturn-Pluto conjunction as detailed above, during
March 20-25, Mars squares Uranus. This square may prove to be
politically very intensive and deadly for most of nations, but especially
for the United States. Political turmoil, changes in cabinet member
appointments, political instability due to sharp increase in friction
between the republicans and democrats are the real possibilities.