Page 3 - March 2022
P. 3

From the


        Greetings to our indigo                                by the governments, the governments

        community, a community of                              alone, independent of the interests

        peace lovers and wisdom keepers!                       of the people, to whom war is always
                                                               pernicious even when successful.”
                                                               And I whole-heartedly agree. The true

        Putting together the editions of My                    division in the world is not between
        Indigo Sun for you is not only a joy                   nations, political parties, or races – it

        but also a way to stay sane these days.                is an illusion people were pulled into.
        Learning from our contributors allows                  The real division is between people and
        me to exercise various techniques and                  their governments; the leaders who keep

        practices, stay grounded and collected. I              failing their duties and keep breaking
        hope you find them helpful too.                        their promises. And now, humanity is

                                                               waking up to this realization.
        The current political climate is extremely
        dangerous. People are being divided                    I invite us all to unite in prayers for peace

        more and more which fills the world                    in the world and keep each other tight
        and our collective consciousness with                  with loving light and healing energies.

        more hatred, aggression, and fear. Why
        is it so, and who benefits from it? As                 Peace and Unity,
        Leo Tolstoy observes “In all history,                  Katerina and My Indigo Team

        there is no war which was not hatched
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