Page 7 - March 2022
P. 7

Once you settle on one particular                      out fine.” How could she possibly stand
        change, explore your emotions. What                    out and shine in a sales profession with
        feelings come up when you imagine                      thoughts like that running the show?

        yourself doing this new thing? Are they
        positive? Negative? Don’t judge. Just take             So, get a broom and sweep those old dusty

        note and jot all your feelings down.                   thoughts from your focus. Acknowledge
                                                               and thank the old patterns for the wisdom
        Let’s say the idea of a new love                       they have provided, then put them down

        relationship excites you, but misgivings               and create new thoughts and feelings you
        show up. Maybe it even scares you.                     can believe in deeply to replace them.

        Explore relationship patterns in your                  Grab a cloth and polish the windows to
        family system to see if this fear even                 your soul. Stand in front of a mirror, look
        belongs to you. As we saw with Louise,                 yourself in the eye and tell yourself it’s not

        emotional patterns take root and travel                just okay to have a new love—or a new car
        through the generations. You may well                  or a new job or a new puppy—in your life.

        have inherited your fear from a parent or              It’s your destiny. After all, it’s just a part of
        sibling or even an earlier ancestor who got            spring cleaning.
        badly burned in a love affair. Take note

        of the way you’re thinking. Do certain                 Judy Wilkins Smith
        negative thoughts predominate? “I’m not

        attractive enough to find a great love.                Judy Wilkins-Smith, author of Decoding
        Good relationships don’t happen in our                 Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful
        family. I’m not deserving enough.” Or                  Guide to Transformation Through

        how about, “Love is overrated.” Or “Love               Disentangling Multigenerational
        makes you weak.”                                                          Patterns, is a highly-

                                                                                  regarded, international
        Just like emotions, thought patterns,                                     organizational, individual
        words and sayings—something called                                        and family patterns

        systemic sentences— travel through                                        expert, systemic coach,
        the family line. We end up thinking                                       trainer, facilitator,

        and saying things automatically, never                                    leadership conference
        realizing these thoughts don’t really                                     and motivational speaker
        belong to us. Louise had some real zingers                                and founder of System

        running through her head. “People                                         Dynamics for Individuals
        who need attention are just begging                                       & Organizations. For

        for trouble” was one systemic sentence.                                   more information: https://
        Another was “Just keep your head down,                          
        don’t ask for much, and things will work

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