Page 4 - March 2022
P. 4

Emotional Spring Cleaning

                           Clear Away Old Patterns and Open the Door to New

                        Beginnings with a Systemic Approach to Transformation

        Spring is an exciting time of year. Trees              do we always act on them? Do we pursue
        and gardens sprout new growth. Students  these inner urgings to change? More
        catch spring fever and play hooky. The rest  often than not, we don’t. And more often

        of us go into a frenzy of spring cleaning.             than not we don’t even know why.
        Like our parents, grandparents, and

        great-grandparents before us, we clear out  I remember Louise, a client who came
        closets, pack winter clothes away, clean               to me soon after she had gotten her real
        windows and contemplate the garage. We  estate sales license. Despite the beautiful

        get the “itch” to do home improvement.                 spring day, she was dressed somberly in
        At the very least we buy some flowers to               grey slacks and a black jacket. For years

        bring a bit of color back into our lives.              she’d worked quietly as a clerk in her
                                                               county’s administrative offices until she
        But spring cleaning is more than an                    discovered she had a love for houses, a

        annual household event. It’s an internal               flare for sales and an easy ability to work
        happening as well. As nature awakens,                  with people. She was excited about her

        something stirs in us. We feel a twinge of  new career. But she felt intimidated by her
        creativity, a flutter of potential signaling           female associates, all of whom dressed in
        new growth and a calling to new                        an upscale manner and drove late model

        adventures. We feel deep stirrings. But                cars. “I bought a few new clothes,” she
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