Page 10 - March 2024
P. 10

The Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024

                                         The Art of Being

        Eclipses involve the eternal dance                     the relationship between personal
        between The Sun (Divine Masculine),                    identity and sense of self (Aries) and

        which “shines light” on things,                        the reflections we choose to support
        facilitating conscious awareness, and                  and further grow that Self (Libra).  The
        The Moon (Divine Feminine), which                      first half of the year will be under the

        holds and stores our unconscious beliefs,  influence of the very dramatic Total Solar
        programs, and patterns of behavior based  Eclipse of April 8, 2024, which joins

        on our stored memories.   Aligning                     forces with the North Node, Mercury,
        with the transiting Nodes of the Moon,                 Chiron and Eris, all in the sign of Aries.
        they occur across the same astrological                This eclipse will be especially dynamic

        house axis for about 1.5 years, heralding              and potentially more transformative than
        a “major house cleaning” of the areas of               usual, especially in the United States,

        life ruled by that axis.   A 19-year cycle,            which falls in the shadow of the eclipse.
        this same eclipse pattern occurred in                  The eclipse also joins the natal Chiron
        2005 and 1986, by day and degree, so,                  return and forms a challenging aspect to

        for the sake of comparison, the same                   the Cancer stellium in the chart of the
        energy dynamic is in play this year.                   U.S.  Many nations, including America,

        Eclipses serve as an “evolutionary report  are in the throes of a major “identity
        card”.  Although the pattern repeats,                  crisis” right now, with core principles
        the experiences we create to test it are               and current leadership being questioned

        different, and, being “older and wiser”,               and challenged, both internally and
        we will respond to those experiences                   externally.  For the ancients, eclipses

        differently, with a higher level of                    heralded “the rise and fall of kings and
        consciousness and maturity.                            kingdoms”, especially in those lands
                                                               falling in the shadow of the eclipse.

        The solar eclipses this year will occur
        across the Aries-Libra axis, emphasizing  On the global front, Martian energy will

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