Page 15 - March 2024
P. 15

Repeating Patterns are

          Feedback from the Cosmos

        There is no one alive who cannot                       patterns would not be coming to us in an
        relate to being stuck in a painful rut                 extreme form if we were not somehow,

        or self-destructive pattern. This poem                 through our own attitude and behavior,
        reminds us of the fact that inner states               drawing them in.
        of consciousness will be reflected back

        to us through repetitive and circulatory               Jung says,
        situations that we encounter. Clearly,                 “To love someone else is easy, but to love

        we cannot save others in circumstances                 what you are, the thing that is yourself, is
        where they are not interested in saving                just as if you were embracing a glowing
        themselves and/or allow emotionally                    red-hot iron: it burns into you and that is

        abusive or violent relationships to go                 very painful. Therefore, to love somebody
        on. There can even be more benign                      else in the first place is always an escape

        relationships that are just as hurtful                 which we all hope for, and we all enjoy it
        where we are just plain out of balance in              when we are capable of it.
        giving and receiving; prone to attracting

        takers, users or passive aggressive people  But in the long run, it comes back on us.
        who cannot be direct or honest.                        You cannot stay away from yourself forever,

                                                               you have to return, have to come to that
        Events or relationships with the same                  experiment, to know whether you really can
        people keep occurring so that we can                   love. That is the question— whether you can

        see and potentially remove the blocks                  love yourself, and that will be the test.”
        to becoming conscious of our own

        opposites. This is not very easy to do                 — Carl G. Jung, Nietzsche’s Zarathustra:
        as for the most part, when something                   Notes of the Seminar, 1934-1939 Vol. 2,
        happens, it’s much easier to assign blame  pp. 1472-1474

        for what occurs externally instead of
        reflecting on retrieving our much needed  It is challenging to live by our ideals

        shadow side, i.e. our opposites. These                 indefinitely. We do really well for a few

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