Page 19 - March 2024
P. 19

A Call for Contributions

         Transforming Pain into Passionate Pieces

        In the journey of self-expression, we                  share your stories, art, music, and the
        often stumble upon the profound                        myriad expressions of your being with
        realization that our inner struggles are               our community. Your narratives, whether

        not meant to remain shackled within,                   they stem from grief, joy, discovery, or
        but to be channeled into creations that                the realms in-between, have the potential

        resonate with the hearts of others.                    to weave the fabric of a shared human
                                                               experience. We are eager to celebrate the
        ‘You got to resurrect the deep pain                    diversity, authenticity, and the unyielding

        within you and give it a place to live                 spirit of expression through your
        that’s not within your body. Let it live               contributions. Let your inner chronicles

        in art. Let it live in writing. Let it live in         traverse beyond the physical vessel, find
        music. Let it be devoured by building                  an expression on our pages, and resonate
        brighter connections. Your body is not                 through the hearts of our readers. Your

        a coffin for pain to be buried in. Put it              voice, unique and irreplaceable, is awaited.
        somewhere else.’

        – Ehime Ora*                                           Katerina and MIS team

        We offer our magazine to be that

        ‘somewhere else’ for you. I want to                    *Ehime Ora, Nigerian writer, artist, and
        announce an open invitation for you to                 priestess of the Ifa & Orisa Tradition
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