Page 23 - March 2024
P. 23

such as anxiety, depression, attention
                                                               deficit hyperactivity disorder, and teen

                                                               suicide, are increasing at alarming rates.
                                                               Menstrual disorders, starting at an early

                                                               age, are also rooted in unwholesome
                                                               foods and way of living.

                                                               So, I was very distraught that day and
                                                               daunted by the task that lay ahead: to

                                                               ensure my daughter would have a healthy
                                                               menstrual cycle in the not too-far-off-
                                                               future by eating the right foods, at the

                                                               same time helping her feel a sense of
                                                               ease and belonging among her friends.

                                                               By and by, I am grateful to have the
                                                               teachings of Ayurveda to lean on. Let’s
                                                               take a closer look now at some common

                                                               early menstrual disorders through the
                                                               lens of Ayurveda and how Ayurveda can

                                                               promote a healthy outcome.

                                                               According to the Ayurvedic texts,

                                                               Yoni Vyapad describes disorders of
                                                               the female reproductive tract and are

                                                               twenty in number. They are grouped by
                                                               the predominant dosha derangement,
                                                               which are vata (air + space elements),

                                                               pitta (fire element), kapha (water + earth
                                                               elements), or sannipata (tridosha – vata,

                                                               pitta, and kapha) types. However, vata
                                                               dosha is involved to the greatest extent in
                                                               all of them, due to the main seat of vata

                                                               being below the navel in the reproductive
                                                               tract area, and apana vayu overseeing

                                                               the elimination processes of the body
                                                               including the outflow of menstrual fluid.

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