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In summary, menstrual disorders can                    References:

        affect an adolescent’s quality of life, ability        1.JD Jacobson and D Zieve. (2019, December 10).
        to be productive, and social activities.               Menstrual disorders Information | Mount Sinai -
                                                               New York
        Modern medicine recommends eating a                    2.Dr. YS Raghuram and Dr. Manasa. (2018,
        healthy diet of whole grains, fresh fruits             November 19). Etiological Factors Of
        and vegetables, avoiding saturated fats and            Gynecological Disorders As Per Ayurveda

        junk foods, and keeping well hydrated                  (
        starting about two weeks before menses. If             3.Menstrual disorders Information | Mount Sinai -
                                                               New York
        that fails, then estrogen and progestin are            4.
        given to regulate the cycle. But these are             health/common-places-the-body-holds-onto-
        dangerous ways of messing with Mother                  emotions-and-trauma-101699172380795.

        Nature and can have unwanted side                      html?utm_source=ht_site_copyURL&utm_
        effects. Ayurvedic recommendations start               5.Shilpa, S., & Venkatesha Murthy, C. G. (2011).

        by following a proper diet and cleansing               Understanding personality from Ayurvedic
        plasma (rasa dhatu), because menstruation              perspective for psychological assessment: A case.
        is its secondary tissue. Enhancing digestion           Ayu, 32(1), 12–19.
        of food and removing toxins from the body              6.Martinez G. M. (2020). Trends and Patterns

        are the first step toward achieving hormone  in Menarche in the United States: 1995 through
        balance. Practicing yoga, breathwork,                  2013-2017. National health statistics reports,
        and meditation go a long way towards                   (146), 1–12.
        regulating emotions and releasing stress.              7.Lacroix AE, Gondal H, Shumway KR, et al.
                                                               Physiology, Menarche. [Updated 2023 Mar 11].
        Finally, specific herbal remedies are used             In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL):
        depending on the symptoms, such as pitta-              StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

        pacifying herbs for heavy periods, and       
        strengthening herbs for scanty or irregular            8.Anastasiadis, X., Matsas, A., Panoskaltsis, T.,
                                                               Bakas, P., Papadimitriou, D. T., & Christopoulos,
        periods. Ayurveda offers a holistic way                P. (2023). Impact of Chemicals on the Age of

        to nurture adolescent girls into a healthy             Menarche: A Literature Review. Children (Basel,
        menstrual cycle.                                       Switzerland), 10(7), 1234.

        Uma Hingorani

        Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner

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