Page 26 - March 2024
P. 26
Abnormal uterine bleeding refers to are both herbs which strengthen and
excessive blood flow caused by lack of improve the function of the reproductive
ovulation which affects hormone levels; system and pacify aggravated doshas
it’s most common soon after menarche and are useful along with vata and pitta
and before menopause. As per Ayurveda, lowering diet and lifestyle.
ovulation is the result of pitta, in the
form of hormones, and vata, because it Girls who start menstruating before age 11
involves expulsion of the ovum from the years are at higher risk for premenstrual
follicle due to the action of hormones. syndrome and have severe pain, longer
Therefore, vata and pitta pacifying diet periods, and longer menstrual cycles.
and lifestyle are recommended. Being overweight can also increase the risk
for painful periods and cramps, also called
Primary amenorrhea (prathamika dysmenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea is generally
anartava), which is when the girl has a disorder of vata, so oiling (abhyanga) and
not begun to menstruate by age 16 enema (basti) are beneficial after cleansing
years, along with the lack of signs of the channels.
sexual development (such as breasts
and pubic hair), requires consultation
by a gynecologist. Per Ayurveda, the
cause is considered to be congenital
abnormalities (Sahaja vikruti) and is
treated with herbs and mantras.
Oligomenorrhea, or infrequent
menstrual cycles occurring more than 35
days apart, is common in early teenage
females, as is scanty flow. Weight loss and
eating disorders in adolescent girls lead
to reduced reproductive hormones and
can also cause hypothyroidism. Elevated
stress increases cortisol levels, which can
also lower reproductive hormone levels.
Excessive athletic training is associated
with amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea.
Ashokarishta and Rajah pravartani