Page 30 - March 2024
P. 30
Cooking for Healing: Spices
Garlic’s spicy and unique flavor has levels. It may also have anti-clotting
enhanced dishes and offered a massive effects, potentially reducing the risk of
amount of health benefits for centuries. It heart disease.
is one of the oldest known herbs, having
evidence of being used by the Egyptians Anti-inflammatory Effects: Garlic
and Indians over 5,000 years ago. Today, contains compounds that have anti-
garlic only grows wild in Central Asia, inflammatory properties, which may
however it can be grown in the home help reduce inflammation in the body.
garden with sprouted cloves for a Chronic inflammation is associated with
consistent supply of the delicous, healthy various diseases.
herb. Here are some potential health
benefits associated with garlic: Antioxidant Content: Garlic is rich in
antioxidants, which can help protect cells
Antimicrobial Properties: Garlic has from damage caused by free radicals.
natural antimicrobial and antibacterial Antioxidants play a role in overall health
properties, which may help the body and may contribute to the prevention of
fight off infections and illnesses. It has chronic diseases.
been traditionally used to treat various
infections. Immune System Support: Garlic has
been traditionally believed to boost the
Cardiovascular Health: Garlic may immune system, helping the body fight
have cardiovascular benefits by helping off infections and diseases.
to lower blood pressure and cholesterol
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