Page 32 - March 2024
P. 32
Lebanese Garlic Dip
This delicious Lebanese dip is creamy, flavorful and full of healthy garlic! Since it
calls for so much garlic, using pre-peeled cloves makes this recipe a bit easier.
Ingredients: only to scrape the sides as needed.
3/4 cup peeled garlic cloves Adding the oil and lemon juice should be
1 tsp kosher salt done extremely slowly, taking around 20
2 cups vegetable oil minutes to complete.
4 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp ice water Drizzle in the ice water with the
processor still running. This should make
Instructions: the mixture smooth and very creamy.
Add the garlic and salt to a food Transfer to a bowl, drizzle with olive
processor. Process until the garlic forms oil. Serve with pita, flatbread, or fresh
a paste. Scrape down the sides as needed. vegetables.
With the processor running, drizzle Enjoy!
1/4 cup of the oil very slowly into the
garlic paste. Once incorporated, add the Notes:
lemon juice in a slow drizzle. Add the The dip will keep in an airtight container
remaining oil in a slow stream, stopping in the fridge for up to 1 month.