Page 24 - March 2024
P. 24
Vata also manages the sensory perceptions relationships, infertility, and more. As
of the mind and the emotional regulation stated in Charaka Samhita, “The body and
of the nervous system. So, mental disorders the mind are the abodes of diseases as well
are directly related to physiologic distress. as health. Proper body-mind interaction is
The female reproductive system is a the cause for happiness”.
storage receptacle for suppressed emotions
including childhood trauma, tension, For these twenty Yoni Vyapad, Charaka
and stress which are seen as hormone Samhita gives four main causes which
dysregulation, dysfunctional sexual are shown in the chart below.
The contribution of the Standard years ago to 12.4 years. Research shows
American Diet to reproductive disorders socioeconomic conditions, general
in females undergoing puberty was health and nutritional status, exercise,
previously addressed. The remaining seasonal changes, and genetics all play
three categories of Yoni Vyapad can be key roles.
summarized as modern day living in
the material age of ‘Kali Yuga’, involving A large body of evidence also points
all manners of activity that distract us toward bio hormone chemicals, or
from the spiritual path. Similar reasons endocrine-disrupting xenobiotics,
for abnormal menstrual cycles are well which the mother is exposed to
documented in scientific literature. For during gestation, are decreasing the
example, the average age at menarche age of menarche in their babies. These
continues to trend to a younger and chemicals mimic female hormones
younger age, from 15 years one hundred and unnaturally speed up reproductive