Page 20 - March 2024
P. 20
Astrological Insights for March 2024
Overview Aquarius ninefold ascendants. If Mercury
occupies a favorable position, such as the
The astrological landscape for March 5th house, it may bring about popularity,
is highlighted by significant planetary creative bursts, and recognition in various
movements, most notably with Venus endeavors.
transitioning into sidereal Aquarius and
Mercury into sidereal Pisces on March Mars’ movement into Capricorn until
7, followed by the Sun’s movement into March 15 marks a period of exaltation for
sidereal Pisces and Mars into sidereal the planet, underscoring the significance
Aquarius on March 15. of its transit through this cardinal and
earth sign governed by Saturn. Here,
The personal planet Venus is likely to Mars synthesizes its inherent vigor
favor the month beginning March 7. with Capricorn’s discipline, merging
This transit is particularly auspicious the qualities of ambition and patience,
for individuals who have Venus in a dynamism and stability, youthful zeal and
favorable position in their birth chart mature wisdom.
and are currently experiencing an active
Venus phase in their transit chart. Furthermore, the direct motion of Uranus
However, those with a Virgo, Leo, or in sidereal Aries, which began on January
Taurus Navamansa (ninefold) ascendant 27, is set to clarify the global political
might find this period less favorable. landscape. The previously uncertain
For example, a benefic placement of scenarios, including the political dynamics
Venus in the 11th house could signify in the United States and international
enhanced social connections, romantic conflicts including the Ukraine-Russia and
engagements, and financial opportunities, Israeli-Hamas wars are likely to fade away
offering a period of joy and prosperity. and a clear picture likely to emerge.
Similarly, Mercury’s entrance into Pisces on Read the whole article here.
the same day begins a period of intellectual Jagdish Maheshri
growth and better communication, Professional Vedic Astrologer
especially for those with Mercury well- Read Google reviews by google
placed in their natal chart and active searching, “Astro Insight”
in their transit chart. This period holds For more information about
promise for those born under Taurus, services and classes please visit
Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and