Page 17 - March 2024
P. 17

EXAMPLE 5: The “Good” Father                           Rebeca: This sounds simplistic, but it

                                                               is deep. Some things are so buried in
        Audience: My girlfriend and I are                      us that we have to attract these mirrors
        polarizing. I want her to get a job and                to see what it is we need to see about

        contribute. I had to buy her a car, pay for  ourselves. It’s too easy to point the finger
        her gas and it’s getting old. What’s my                and say something is wrong with you! It’s

        Shadow here? I don’t understand.                       usually both people who need to change,
                                                               but it takes two to tango, so to speak.
        Rebeca: You are being the good father in               Talk to her.

        the relationship, and she gets to be the child.
        If you stop paying for everything, then                Rebeca Eigen, Astrologer &

        she’ll have to get a job, won’t she? Sit down          Relationship FIXER is available for
        with her and tell her that you don’t want              consultations for any relationship you
        to be her father anymore. You want to be               find yourself puzzled about — not

        her partner. She needs to grow up, and you             just romantic ones. Your Astrological
        have to let her. You may want to look at how  birth chart is an invaluable resource to

        irresponsible you are being to yourself to let  understand repeating patterns. It is our
        someone live off of you. You’ve attracted her  unique celestial instruction that shows us
        to see something about you and vice versa.             who we came here to be.

        Audience: I guess I’ve always taken

        care of everyone, even my parents, but                 Rebeca Eigen
        probably especially my mother.

        Rebeca: So, could you still be trying to
        get your mother to grow up and take care

        of you?

        Audience: Wow! That sounds like it

        could be true about me.

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