Page 12 - March 2024
P. 12
anew, coupled with the courage that the promise of many “new beginnings”.
comes from having survived challenging For the three months around the total
times, is strong. Solar Eclipse in April, a healthy level of
impulse control, patience, and mature
“Who Am I, really, and how well is this decision-making skills must be applied in
new understanding of Self reflected order to avoid some of the pitfalls of the
in the way I live my life?” is a major darker side of Aries. Testing our physical
question on everyone’s mind these days. limits and survival skills through exercise
The need to share and assert this new and healthy competition, especially
version of Self with others is strong, with Self, is a great way to temper the
especially those whose image of me impulsive fire of Aries. It is important to
doesn’t jive with who I have become/ remember that, even though you may be
am becoming. Intimate/bonded one of those highly conscious people who
relationships are especially subject to a has a handle on your own triggers and
certain level of disruption, as these are “buttons”, you are still living in a world
the most likely people in our lives to be where many don’t. Honing our “spidey
highly invested in their version of us, for sense” and learning to honor our instincts
the sake of their own security. When will protect us from confrontations with
our sense of Self changes, we cease to those less conscious souls who lack
be “predictable”, and intimate/ bonded impulse control. When confrontation
relationships are threatened. Ideas is evitable, call upon your potent, virile
about what is important and valuable “Warrior Within”, a character made more
in relationships have shifted, and there real, and living a little closer to the edge
is less willingness to devote time and of consciousness these days. If nothing
energy to hang on to what no longer else, He/She knows how to duck! It is
supports and validates Self, Version a delicate balance, to be both brave and
2.0. Under the influence of this eclipse, courageous, and conscious and wary of
The Goddess of Discord is likely to the “red” energy that permeates your
impulsively sever ties with any reflections environment at the same time. If you
that cannot support a new, more have been doing your Aries homework
authentic version of Self. over these past few years, you are more
self-aware than most. May your new
The reconstruction of one’s personal beginnings be blessed!
identity (the variables and aspects of Self
previously unexplored or denied), holds Kim McSherry