Page 24 - April 2024
P. 24

is undertaken using sweating, oiling,                  those suffering with pain. Myomectomy
        and purgation techniques to remove                     is a type of surgery that removes

        unwanted toxins and emotions from the  fibroids but leaves the uterus intact; this
        body. Unlike allopathy, Ayurveda offers  allows the woman to bear children later,

        the wonderful options of not taking                    however, new fibroids can still form in
        hormonal drugs with all of their side                  the future. Other treatments to destroy
        effects and avoiding surgically removing  fibroids use laser beams, ultrasound

        vital body parts given to us by the                    waves, and uterine artery embolization
        Creator for good reason.                               (which cuts off blood flow and shrinks

                                                               the fibroid). Finally, surgical removal of
        Uterine Fibroids                                       the full uterus, or hysterectomy, is done

        Uterine fibroids are benign growths                    when all other treatments have failed.
        commonly found on the uterus in                        The ovaries are sometimes removed as

        women. They develop inside the muscle                  well. Allopathic procedures for treating
        layer and vary greatly in number, size,                uterine fibroids are not curative, but are
        shape and location – such as inside                    costly and associated with significant

        the uterus wall, on the outside surface,               side effects from medications and
        or attached to the uterus. They can                    surgery, including loss of ability to bear

        remain small in size for many years                    children if the womb and ovaries are
        and suddenly grow in size, or grow                     surgically removed.
        slowly over many years. Uterine fibroids

        seem to be more prevalent among                        Fibroids fall under the category
        African Americans and in overweight                    of granthi in Ayurveda, which are

        women. Symptoms can range from                         localized nodular masses or growths.
        none, to painful abdominal cramps, an                  Fibroids form when vitiated blood
        enlarged uterus or protruding abdomen,                 (rakta), muscle (mamsa) and fat (meda)

        excessive uterine bleeding, difficult or               tissues mix with kapha (earth and
        frequent urination, painful sex, lower                 water humors) and produce knotty,

        back pain, constipation, rectal pain,                  glandular swellings. An expert will
        infertility, and multiple miscarriages.                be able to palpate excess bulk on the
        The cause of fibroids is unknown in                    uterus. Depending on their location in

        allopathy. No treatment is needed for                  the female yoni (reproductive tract),
        small, asymptomatic fibroids that occur                granthis can disrupt the menstrual

        around the time of menopause. For                      cycle by causing menorrhagia (excessive
        others, hormonal agents are used to                    bleeding), metrorrhagia (irregular
        control heavy bleeding and shrink the                  bleeding), dysmenorrhea (painful

        fibroids. Pain relievers are given for                 menstrual cramps), and/or infertility.

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