Page 29 - April 2024
P. 29
The worst part? 90% of the cheese with the residues of microorganisms that
manufactured in the US uses these enzymes provoke allergic responses or irritate the
from genetically modified organisms. lining of the gut.
Of course, there are safety concerns While the accidental discovery of cheese
involved with genetically modified through ancient practices remains
enzymes. The first being toxicity. Toxicity fascinating, contemporary methods have
occurs when the enzyme solution introduced alternatives to traditional
contains bio toxins from the genetically rennet, such as Pfizer’s FPC. As we
modified host (mold or fungus) that is now know, these “innovations” raise
being cultured and fermented in the lab. safety concerns regarding toxicity
The second safety concern is allergens and allergens, prompting a closer
and digestive issues. Due to the presence examination of the potential risks
of trace amounts of these toxins in the associated with genetically modified
finished cheese product and subtle enzymes. In these modern times, we as
alterations in the protein structure, consumers deserve to be fully informed
cheese can now trigger allergic reactions about the ingredients of the cheese we
or lead to digestive and respiratory are consuming. It is best to know how
problems. Symptoms may include the dairy you consume was made. Pay
stomach discomfort, increased mucus careful attention to the dairy products
production resulting in a runny nose, you buy in the future, and opt for cheese’s
and the mistaken belief that cheese is that were produced the traditional way!
indigestible. However, it’s possible that
the issue lies not with the dairy itself, but Researched by Lauren Lovato 2929