Page 26 - April 2024
P. 26

facial acne, pelvic pain, and infertility.             and lowers overall immunity. The ama
        Hormonal medications are used to                       also coats individual cells, lowering

        induce ovulation in women with PCOS                    cellular intelligence, so that receptors
        trying to conceive. Some antidiabetic                  on the cell surface fail to recognize

        drugs can also improve fertility.                      glucose molecules that normally
        Cosmetic treatments are given for facial  activate insulin uptake into the cell.
        hair, acne, and scalp baldness. And hair  Insulin levels build up in the blood,

        loss can be managed topically or with                  move to artava dhatu, where the
        oral medications that lower androgen                   insulin interacts with receptors on the

        levels.                                                ovaries causing androgen formation
                                                               and prevents ovulation of the follicle.
        According to Ayurveda, artava-                         Another mistake of cellular intelligence

        kshaya or loss of reproductive tissue                  is expressed through the inhibition
        is correlated with PCOS. This is a                     of apoptosis, the natural death of the

        disorder involving all three doshas                    defective follicle, which then transforms
        (vata, pitta, kapha), the tissues of meda              into a cyst on the ovary. Finally, the
        (fat), rasa (plasma), rakta (blood), and               same kapha ama moves through the

        shukra/artava (reproductive) and the                   channels to meda dhatu (fat tissue)
        corresponding bodily channels. But                     and becomes obesity. The multiple

        kapha vitiation is the predominant                     imbalances in kapha dosha in PCOS
        dosha in PCOS because it is responsible  show up as symptoms of increased
        for lubricating and nourishing the                     weight, infertility, hirsutism, insulin

        reproductive tract and supporting                      resistance, and diabetes. Pitta imbalance
        the growth of the follicle along with                  in PCOS is seen as hair loss, acne,

        thickening of the endometrial lining in                irregular menstrual blood flow and
        preparation for possible fertilization of              clots. Kapha ama also causes stagnation
        the egg.                                               of apana vayu, obstructing ovulation

                                                               and causing scanty or lack of menstrual
        Inappropriate diet and lifestyle cause                 outflow. Vata blockage not only prevents

        kapha ama formation in the digestive                   outward flow, it also leads to further
        tract, which diminishes digestive                      accumulation of kapha and pitta.
        fire under the influence of the heavy,

        cold, sticky qualities of kapha. Food                  The ayurvedic treatment of PCOS is
        is improperly digested, accumulated                    to clear the obstruction in the pelvis,

        ama (toxins) move out of the GI tract                  normalize metabolism and regulate
        and enters rasavaha srota (circulation),               the menstrual system. Kapha reducing
        causing it to become sticky and heavy                  herbal formulations such as decoction

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