Page 25 - February 2021
P. 25

Overcoming Spouse Betrayal - Healing session
                                                                         with Machelle Glassburn

                                                              When you have been cheated on by your
                                                            spouse it causes you to lose your self-esteem,

                                                              and your sense of personal power. I help
                                                           betrayed spouses regain their self-esteem and
                                                           reclaim their personal power so that they can

                                                             make the best choices for them in regard to
                                                                    their marriage and themselves.


                                                               Self-worth class with Leslie Gipson
                                                If you feel compelled to always “do the right thing” or

                                               find yourself being pushed around by others, your past
                                               may be hindering your ability to stand up for yourself.
                                               Through my own journey, I discovered the importance

                                               that past events (both remembered and subconscious)
                                                have on our present decisions and our future choices.


                                                                    Wellness Retreat at Home
                                                    The one-day retreat includes meditations, yoga,
                                                     workshops with relaxation techniques, video

                                                    recipes and more. The idea of these activities is
                                                   to step off the treadmill of life and take a mental

                                                    breather. All the content is created by certified
                                                    professionals and can easily become a part of a
                                                 wellness programs for employees working remotely.



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