Page 16 - November 2021
P. 16
How to protect yourself from the
dangers of EMF & 5G radiation
What may be causing you dis-ease is more common than
you think
By Kalen P C Nielsen
Holistic Practitioner
Could you function in modern Oxidative tissue damage, system
society without the technological disruptions, and chemical imbalances
advancements of our lifetime? When result in some of leading diseases
we’re completely honest with ourselves, of today. Things like cancer,
the luxuries of today are either so neurodegenerative disease, hormonal
convenient we would never WANT to imbalance, body aches and pains,
give them up, or so intertwined with our chemical dysregulation, organ damage,
professional and personal lives, we feel autoimmune conditions, etc. can all be
we CAN’T give them up. results of EMF exposure.
In this article you’ll learn: In nature, EMFs come from the sun,
volcanic activity, and the Earth’s own
What an EMF is, and how it affects magnetic fields. We can manage brief
your health exposures of this type. However,
Why glutathione could benefit humanity has created devices that emit
almost everyone their own EMFs; which are substantially
Additional protections for your family more dangerous and saturate society.
The danger is NOT over-exaggerated The contradicting science about EMF
harm ultimately comes down to who
Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF): conducted the study and wrote the
Radiation waves of the electromagnetic article. Check out the studies below and
field traveling through space. make educated decisions for your future!