Page 21 - November 2021
P. 21

if this medication is right for you.”                  - Anti-freeze

        Why aren’t vaccines - especially                       - Human embryonic cells
        the Covid-19 vaccines - given that

        same platform? It feels as though                      It’s important to understand that the

        our doctors have been reduced to                       Covid-19 vaccines contain things
        glorified pharmaceutical salesmen:                     that no vaccine has ever contained

        exaggerating the benefits, and                         before: mRNA and manufactured

        minimizing the side effects. The                       DNA. All the things listed above

        decision and responsibility are yours -  can be detoxed post-injection,
        Is the vaccine right for YOU? By doing  but changes to your DNA are

        the practice above you can answer all                  IRREVERSIBLE.

        your questions and more. Still, some
        of us don’t have a choice, and others                  Liver and Gallbladder

        of us fear the choice is being taken                   Liver and gallbladder are the

        away slowly but surely. In this article,               big hitters when it comes to
        I aim to help you understand how                       detoxification! The liver filters out

        detoxification works, and what you                     harmful substances from the blood.

        can do to get started.                                 Typically, the toxins are broken down,
                                                               made releasable and excreted through.

                         HOW DOES

             DETOXIFICATION WORK?                              However, the liver can get bogged

        So, what exactly is IN the Covid-19                    down, and it then becomes very
        vaccines? Well, let’s just say the                     difficult to excrete anything. In this

        answer is “fuzzy”. The CDC has a list  case, it takes the toxins and stores

        of presumably “all” the ingredients                    them in fat for safe keeping. When
        for the Pfizer, Moderna, and                           toxins are stored in fat, they can’t

        Johnson & Johnson vaccines. But                        circulate the blood stream and

        I’ll give you a quick list of what has                 impact organ function. However,

        been traditionally used in the past:                   the downside is that it still puts
        - Mercury                                              weight on your organs and burdens

        - Aluminum                                             their functionality. The gallbladder

        - Diseased animal organ tissue -                       provides bile, which aids in the
        horse, monkey, cow, dog, pig                           breakdown and excretion of fats

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