Page 23 - November 2021
P. 23
Now that you understand what will
be happening inside your body, here
are some simple things you can do
at home to detox after the jab!
- Limit or completely eliminate
sugar and substances like alcohol.
- Get a water filtration system - stop
drinking tap and bottled water.
- Swap out non-stick cookware for
stainless steel with an 18:10 rating
or better.
- Avoid the Dirty dozen (the 12
most pesticide-ridden foods):
- Begin cleaning with non-chemical
based cleaning products.
- Actively sweat at least 15 minutes
every day - exercise sweat is best..
Powerful herbs to look for in to stop cell death. It also stimulates
detoxification supplements liver cell regeneration and bile
production for smoother breakdown
Milk Thistle (Silimarin) and excretion.
For thousands of years, milk thistle
has been used for liver conditions, Reishi Mushroom
and is one of the most well-known Reishi mushroom is known as the
herbs for liver detoxification. “Supreme Protector” as it is one
It’s an antioxidant, and reduces of the most powerful adaptogens
inflammation throughout the body. available. This means it helps your
One of it’s more amazing properties body with handling stress response
is preventing toxins from binding to for an overall calmer demeanor. I
cells and stabilizing cell membranes said earlier that the body cannot 23