Page 11 - November 2021
P. 11
And the answer is it is your spirit that is happy. It is your spirit that carries you
suffering. You abandoned yourself to be through life. You can be without a body
what was expected of you. The beliefs part and still survive, you can lose your
you create out of societal beliefs is what mind and still be alive, but when your
enslaves your spirit. We are born free spirit dies, you die.
spirits full of love and happiness. We are
forced to conform, eat when we are not So how do you take care of your spirit?
hungry, go to bed when you’re not tired, There are many things you can and
wear clothes that aren’t comfortable, should do to care for your spirit. Here are
socialize with people that you don’t like, 5 ways:
and the list goes on.
1. Spend time with your spirit.
The more you conform, the harder Meditation, journaling, qigong, yoga,
you try, the more you abandon your chanting, drumming, singing, dancing,
spirit. You stop trusting your inner all connect and strengthen your spirit.
voice and start trusting what you feel is
authoritative. When you are living your 2. To care for your spirit, commit to
life conforming, you are making the one your happiness. Make a list of things
that gave you the rules to live be happy, that make you happy. How many of them
not you. The more you try, the harder it are in your life? Make a plan to integrate
gets. Most people spend more time and them into your life.
energy trying to find what will make
them happy instead of just being happy. 3. Align with a life that fuels your
Happiness comes from within. It is free authenticity. Pay attention to when you
flowing when you are in alignment with say yes, but mean no, and when you say
your spirit. This is the part of you that no but mean yes. Do you say yes to going
feeds and fuels your enthusiasm for life. out to eat Chinese even though you want
Italian, because it is what everyone else
As a medicine woman, it amazes me wants, or drive a friend and give up your
how many people aren’t even aware they lunch.
are a spirit. They have spent their whole Being true to your self is not selfish. Be
life learning how to take care of their flexible but don’t lose yourself trying to
mind, their body, and their emotions, accommodate others.
but not their spirit. It is your spirit that
drives your life. It is your spirit that 4. Spending time reflecting on your life
fights when you are down. It is your and keeping it in alignment with what
spirit that comes to life when you are fuels your joy. Do you say “you love 11