Page 12 - November 2021
P. 12

spending time with your family” but                    Yes, living doing what feels good. It does

        instead you spend most of your waking                  not mean to be reckless or irresponsible.
        hours at work or running errands, or                   A free spirit is living when we love
        being a part of clubs and organizations                passionately and enthusiastically because

        you think makes you a good person?                     this is what is feeding our soul, not

        5. Disconnect to refuel. It is extremely
        important to take time out in nature.                                       Vasiliki Lagoudis
        Unplug from your life, all of it and                                        Medicine Woman

        reflect, rejuvenate, and reconnect with                                     Vasiliki is the visionary
        your authentic desires.                                                     and sage behind Teaching

                                                                                    Spirit Retreat Centers.  An
        So, this brings me to a question - what                                     intuitive healer, mother,
        is a free Spirit? A free spirit is when you            and spiritual leader, she is a multi-faceted

        align yourself with your essential values              individual who has transformed her entire
        and your authentic self.  When you live                being through profound teachings and

        to feed your happiness and share your                  life experiences. With her uncanny ability
        joy.  It is your core values, the values               to use her natural born gifts and innate
        you have lived by to try and be a good,                wisdom to balance all aspects of life, she

        successful person that locks your spirit               freely shares love, light, and service.
        in a cage.  It is your essential values, the

        things that matter most in your life, that                                 Sign Up for
        fuels and strengthens your spirit. Your                                 Vasiliki’s Events
        spirit is free when you live in your truth.

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