Page 6 - November 2021
P. 6
Unfolding Happiness
Book Excerpt
Chapter one: Seed and events. Even though happiness
is our true nature, some people are
The potential of happiness is found happy while others are not. Happiness
in meditation becomes obscure when we forget that it
We all want to be happy. In fact, is a state of being rather than something
happiness is our true nature. Happiness we create by means of outside sources.
is a constant, like Primordial Energy. It is like the tight bud of a flower that
It is always there, like the sun, which is needs to be urged to unfold with
always shining. Sometimes clouds block tenderness and love.
the view, but when the wind blows or
the heat of the sun’s rays dissolves the Many factors can interrupt the process
obstruction, we see and feel its light of our opening. Society and the external
shining once again. The flow of life world fool us into believing an ideal of
in an effortless, graceful manner is what “perfect” is supposed to look like
our birthright. Life is supposed to be and what happiness should be. As we
without struggle. observe the world around us, we notice
that some people seem to be happy
To be in a state of happiness is unique regardless of their situation, while others
and individual. It can be quickly are challenged to be happy no matter how
triggered and affected by things, places, perfect their lives appear on the surface.