Page 30 - November 2021
P. 30
About President Joe Biden
and his challenges...
For President Joe Biden, November is for him as he will be severely attacked
likely to be a much better month than the and accused by his critics on a daily
previous one as he finally ekes out, albeit basis. Also, he might be dealing with
not getting as much as he wanted, a multi some minor to moderate health issues
trillion dollar spending bill that progressive during November.
and moderate democrats had not been in
agreement. Nonetheless, it will finally still More importantly, the opposition of
be seen as a victory for democrats as they the transiting Uranus to his natal Mars
reluctantly come together to pass it. continues to be active for him till mid-
November and it will test his ability to
Given the transit (Gochar) chart govern. Although not as intense as it
dispositions of his active planets, the was during the last month, the energy of
slightly favorable to neutral Jupiter after the transiting Uranus opposing his natal
November 18 becomes favorable for him Mars (until Nov 15) continues to force
in successfully executing his domestic him to be more confrontational, the act
agenda and achieving his goals. that he always like to avoid.
The unfavorable Mercury turns favorable On the other hand, the opposition
after November 20 making it easier for of the transiting Saturn to his natal
him deal with his critics and adversaries. Pluto is likely to impart a very subtle
As a result, he would likely to make and favorable energy that will help
some political gains and recover from his him navigate through this challenging
sliding popularity. period despite ongoing crisis and
later in the month the transiting Pluto
However, simultaneously, the active opposing his natal Jupiter will prove to
Mars will continue to be challenging be politically very favorable.