Page 29 - November 2021
P. 29
A partial (almost total) Lunar Eclipse
(November 19)
An almost total lunar eclipse occurs on node Rahu in Taurus. Consequently,
November 19, approximately during this eclipse is likely to be unfavorable
the hours of 6:00 to 12:00 GMT with for those who have sidereal Scorpio or
maximum at about 9:02 GMT. This Taurus rising or Scorpio or Taurus as
exceptionally deep partial eclipse will be moon sign.
visible in North America, Pacific Ocean,
Alaska, eastern Australia, New Zealand, For those who have the lunar nodes in
and Japan. conjunction with either Sun or Moon in
their natal charts, might want to stay low
This eclipse is important since the Moon key. It’s probably not a good day. Take
and Sun respectively will be within 4 extra precaution and avoid any sort of new
to 5 degrees from Rahu (the northern activity or new venture during the eclipse.
lunar node) and Ketu (the southern
lunar node), and therefore, the eclipse On world scene, the North America,
will last for a long time (about 6 hours). Australia, Pacific region countries
The eclipse will occur with the Southern including Hawaii may experience some
or descending node Ketu, in the sidereal unavoidable events during six to eight
zodiac sign Scorpio and the ascending weeks following the eclipse.
Jupiter returns the sidereal Aquarius
(November 19, 2021 - April 13, 2022)
On April 5, 2021, Jupiter, after time to advance spirituality. In addition,
temporarily being in sidereal Aquarius Aquarius being a fixed sign, the resulting
with its retrograde motion, returned to philosophical influences will likely to
sidereal Capricorn on September 15 and be long lasting. Also, academia, social
will stay in Capricorn till November 20, reformers, social justice, morality,
2021. On November 20, 2021, Jupiter universal brotherhood and to some
will reenter Aquarius and will remain in extent religions are likely to be positively
Aquarius till April 13, 2022. influenced by Jupiter’s transit in Aquarius.
Aquarius, being the air sign, Jupiter’s For individuals, especially for those who
manifestation in Aquarius will certainly have dominant Jupiter in their birth
be reflected in emergence of new charts and have Capricorn, Aries, Gemini,
philosophies, philosophical debates, Leo or Libra as their natal ninefold
and as a result, perhaps new norms and (Navamansa) ascendant are likely to
new way of living. For the entire world, experience a very positive period starting
in general, it’s going to be an auspicious November 20, 2021 thru April 13, 2022.